Monday, February 1, 2010

Recycling Party!!!

Yesterday I was talking to my sister on the phone on the way home from church. She told me about this awesome party that she went to on Saturday. As I'm listening to her tell me all about it I'm thinking to myself that this idea needs to be shared with the masses. Then she said, "I think you should write a blog about it..." And I said, "no, YOU should write a blog about it"

So friends, this is the first of hopefully many guest blogsposts (maybe you want to write a guest post too?) written by my dear lil' sis: Janelle Sheely (she's the red head beauty)

I wanted to share something that a group of women and I have been doing recently - a swap party.  It is the most fun recycling you will ever do!  We get together and share food and conversation, but also swap things we no longer want.  So far we've done a "book and movie swap" as well as an "accessories swap'. 
 We all have that movie we don't care to see again, or that necklace that looked great in the store, but doesn't go with anything in our closet. Why not trade your not-wants for someone else's unwanteds? After all, as the saying goes, "one man's trash is another man's treasure".  
Here's how it works:  you bring as many items as you want to go home with - but everything must be desirable - no junk.  Everyone draws numbers to determine the order of who gets to choose next.  The first round you get to keep what you pick - so everyone is guaranteed to go home with something they want.  We re-draw numbers every round and it runs like a white elephant, where you can pick a new item or steal one each round.  It's a great excuse to get together on a Saturday night and the bonus is you get new things without spending a dime.  I've enjoyed it so much, I told hannah she should mention it on her blog!  But we are now getting to the point where we are running out of ideas of themes for the swap parties.  Any ideas?

Thanks Janelle! I love this idea. It's a great excuse for a party and I love that it's free and it's also environmentally conscious. I really want to be conscious of purchasing things that have been pre owned and already used (not EVERYTHING, of course), but it really is unnecessary to dump old things for shiny new things, when it takes so much energy and resources to produce everything that we consume. see for some freebies in your area. 

and Janelle, my idea for your next party: cook books!  


kris said...

That is so fun!! i want to do one...I just might steal your idea, Janelle! And I think cook books is a great one. You could also do home decor, board games, etc.

Anna said...

I have some friends here that have done something similar. They call it a bare naked lady party. They swap clothes and the whole night they are trying things on (after having officially kicked out the husbands of course). BUT if they managed to walk in they would see a whole bunch of "bare naked ladies", hence the name! I hadn't thought of doing it with accessories or cookbooks. Maybe I should host a party soon! Thanks Janelle

kcknoles said...

Great idea, Hannah & Janelle! I have thought about doing this before with lotions, makeup, candles, etc. I have TONS of all of these things that I got as gifts or bought and used once and didn't like. I am very picky about lotion scents, so I have so many bottles that are just sitting around. I was going to have a ladies night and have people bring their unwanted beauty items to swap, but couldn't figure out how to do it. I like the system you have used here, how fun!

kcknoles said...

Oh, I forgot to mention Very cool. You can also earn "points' on kashless for certain things, which can be traded in for prizes, or transferred to your account on (Our recycling company gives us points for recycling that can be traded in for gift cards, etc.)

kcknoles said...

Oops. Me again. The recycle site is, not .org.

Stu and Lauren said...

My friends and I did a regift exchange after the holidays once. I ended up with a pair of slipper socks my husband still wears 3 years later (who knew anyone actually loves those?)

Erin S. said...

This is such a fabulous idea. Thanks for sharing with us.

Brooke Hereth said...

cool idea.

Brooke Hereth said...

i don't exactly get it :D