Sunday, October 26, 2008

Trick or Treat

Today Landon and i had the joy of little "spider man"s "thomas the train"s, monsters and "hannah montana"s hopping up to our door step. For those of you who have had the joy of visiting us, you know that our doorbell plays christmas carols. Some of the older kids recognize the irony in that.

I guess around here every year the Village of Gurnee designates the Sunday before halloween from 1-4pm for trick-or-treating because Friday nights are too dangerous, with darkness setting in early, and all the hooligans running about (did you hear?). Last year we forgot about this, as we did this year - or rather, we were never informed. Duvick scared all the little kiddies away until Landon got home with the Laffy Taffys from Walgreens. We put the dog inside, and the children flocked to our doorstep. I just loved it.

Duvick loved being so close to children, as he was able to put his face up to the screen door and experience the laughter and beauty of the kids. It was fun!

1 comment:

  1. I bet you guys had so much fun! I love trick-or-treaters. I'm going to miss it this year because I'm in ATL and my cousin's wedding rehearsal is that nigh :( Otherwise I would never miss it! A kid last year told us we needed to trim our bushes. It was awesome.


Thanks for your thoughts!!! I promise i read every one of them! - Hannah