Friday, October 24, 2008

HAIR: A year ago i cut my hair and donated it. I've never cut off this much before, and ever since my husband has met me i have had long hair. This was a hard thing for both of us to deal with - the short hair. but we survived, remarkably.

Right before I cut my hair

The hair cut!

Most recent picture of me with sweet friends at ACSI Convention in South Bend, IN

I was convinced that my hair would be grown back by May - that's what i told my husband, anyway. Woopsie, it's been a whole year and my hair has only grown how many inches? I'm such a liar. Well, i haven't cut it at all since last October and i'm hoping it will grow more quickly in this coming year. I remember my girlfriend Brittlee told me during my freshman year of college that gelatin encouraged hair growth. This cracks me up, but i've never forgotten this and if it is true, it gives me a very valid reason to eat many many gummy worms!

i originally thought that my long hair made me look immature - and i thought the shorter length made me look more professional when i traveled around to conventions last fall. but, now i don't really know or care. i just know that Landon likes my hair as long as i can tolerate it. and i like it better longer than shorter. but when it's really long it gets to a point that it is unstylable. it has reached this point several times in the last 4 years - where even pony tails don't lift the hair off of my neck and back.

when we were in kenya i didn't cut my hair at all and by the end of our year there, my hair was VERY long. well, and it was very gross because it was always being whipped around in the dusty wind, and daily had little sticky fingers in it. mmm.. though my hair is now much healthier and grateful for the freedom, i would take damaged hair and snotty orphan fingers over healthy hair any day.


  1. I'm on along hair kick too. I want it really long, but it always looks so flat and childish to me. We'll see how far I get with it. Although in vain, I try to get my boys to see the benefit of brushing their mothers hair every day. They haven't bitten yet. Maybe there is a girl in our future...She'd certainly be more likely to enjoy it.

  2. hehe. i remember doing my mother's hair every evening before she went to work when i was in middle school. how sweet of her to let me.

  3. So, my hair is fine and falling out in clumps everyday (I think, thanks to my lovely thyroid), so you girls should be so very grateful for long think hair. My two beautiful sisters...


Thanks for your thoughts!!! I promise i read every one of them! - Hannah