Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Yesterday, they gave me the boot!

My visit to the doctor yesterday was good. They peeled the cast off of my leg (exposing my horrifying harry and the hendersons hairy legs!). I was actually pretty nervous about what my leg would look like - especially the incisions. I looked online to find out more about my procedure and came across many picture with thick purple 6inch scars with staple-scars beside them. when my doctor took off all bandages to take out my "stitches", these was nothing there but what looked like fishing line! really! i told him that if i knew he was going to use screws and fishing line, i would have just let my dad do it for much cheaper! well, he just pulled on the plastic line from the top of the incision and somehow unthreaded the entire thing - just pulled it right through! (i almost passed out the second time - a weird and painful feeling).

Landon and i were so surprised - he said that he had studied "plastics" (plastic surgery?) 6 months before he decided to go into orthopedics. so, wow, what a blessing! i may not have the gnarley scars that i've seen pictures of. of course, these will scar - they are very deep and long cuts. i'm grateful, i will be living in this body for the rest of my life!

i got a big black boot put on my leg which i am to treat no differently than a cast, except i can take it off to take a bath. which, because my ankle wasn't protected, took me much longer to bathe and i needed much more assistance from landon. i'm kind of done being a gimp now. yep. i'm ready to run around and enjoy the autumn and drive to starbucks if i want to and stand in the shower and feel warm and... i've just never had to be this patient for my body to heal before. but i do remain grateful - that i can still work at ACSI, which is the job that really pays our bills, even though we're down a considerable amount of mullah with my taking leave from starbucks. but it's been amazing for me to get some rest and recover from this last year of 2 jobs - crazy life. i'm grateful for this time.

1 comment:

  1. pdso glad you're feeling better:) we're still praying for a quick recovery!


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