Sunday, September 7, 2008

oh, how i love to read...

I was talking with my sister yesterday about how when i was in college i carried a book with me everywhere. Yes, college began my necessity for "book bags" instead of purses. And, to make it easier, many of my classes gave me 25lb anthologies filled with beautiful writings of Shakespeare, Chaucer, and Brit and American literature. I do have some friends that have teased me that they don't remember me in college without a book. well, now i have a degree in Literature to prove my love for the written word, but you wouldn't have known it this last year.

This past month has given me the opportunity to enjoy reading. Of course i've read some books this last year (though not many), but it was more of a guilty pleasure - which reading should never be. it is so important, it should never inspire guilt (well, unless it's a trashy romance or something). Anyways, i'm just thinking about how fortunate i am to have been reading so much lately and i wanted to share with you the stars:

Ayan Hirsi Ali, Infidel

Edith Shaeffer, L'Abri

Paul Young, The Shack

Toni Morrison, Song of Solomon

Jay E Adams, Marriage, Divorce and Remarriage in the Bible

Have you read any good books lately?


  1. thank you so much for the great suggestions! i'm excited to get reading:)
    i recently read "uncharted" by angela hunt...very good!

  2. Three Cups of Tea-The freshman reading requirement for Fort Lewis this year. Greg Mortenson is coming here to give a talk and JP got tickets for it. It should be interesting. Kinda along the lines of Infidel.

    The Picture of Dorian Gray (an oldie but a classic and remarkably well written not to mention entertaining)


Thanks for your thoughts!!! I promise i read every one of them! - Hannah