First off, and not on the subject. You will notice that i added a play list to this blog of songs that i like. but YOU are the one who reads this blog, not me. So, if it's annoying to always have music on here, PLEASE tell me and i will do away with it. I usually mute sites when i'm online because i'm always listening to my own music. so, no hard feelings, just let me know. easy change. but until i hear from ya'll, i'll just leave the music for your listening pleasure.
Here's a picture of our swinging chair hanging from one of our silver maples in the backyard. I bargained for this chair in espanol while i was in guatemala last fall. The weather has never been good enough to be worth hanging it. but now it hangs and it is so wonderful to relax in the yard. if you ever call me on my cell, i almost always immediately run to the swing in the yard to talk. so, picture me here while we're talking!

These are my herbs. I got this aerogarden in the mail from mom and dad for my birthday! My herbs are finally growing big enough that i'm having to prune them regularly. i'm having fun looking for recipes to incorporate them into. let's see, this week we have chives in our corn bread and lots of basil in a mayo/lemon juice/garlic/basil spread on our vegetable sandwiches, and a mint fruit salad. pretty fun. and these are made in boulder!
check it out!
welp, i just checked on duvi in the yard. i was surprised to see him in the grass (he usually sleeps in a corner of the garage all day because it's getting too hot for him outside - i've been hosing him off in the afternoons). he discovered a little treasure hidden in landon's things. too cute to get mad about. some of you may recognize the packaging: Backwoods Sweet Aromatic Cigars.

So this weekend we have endured our first tornado episode. Saturday we had high winds, severe thunderstorms, and a tornado warning. It was scary! The neighborhood alert system (siren) was activated and i was constantly checking the weather warning online because we have no television. sunday we were having a tornado watch until 1am monday. landon was so chill about it. i had prepared our tornado shelter in our hall closet with flashlights and blankets and everything. he thought it was funny, took this picture of me and told me that i had to post it. so there. i was scared.

finally: pictures of my new flowers. These are the flowers that Janelle gave me a gift card for, for my birthday. you know they look a little shabby right after you plant them, so i wanted to wait a little bit before i took pictures.

(can you tell which bush duvick pee's on each morning?)
These are inspired by my grandmother who always had 4th of July flowers in front of her house by july. i wanted a pot full of red, white, and blues!

my window boxes that didn't work well last year are flourishing this year! i think i may have crammed too many petunias into there, but i think they may survive the summer at least!

And my most favorite flower! i planted them in an empty spot of dirt not knowing the the plant beside them would cram them into the gutter. oh well, they're still pretty.