one thing my colorado-born-and-raised mind can't understand..... why is our grass still green and my mums still blooming purple?
Friday, November 30, 2007
the raking of the leaves
one thing my colorado-born-and-raised mind can't understand..... why is our grass still green and my mums still blooming purple?
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Thanksgiving in Gurnee
The Field Museum, next to the planitarium
The man-eating lions of Tsavo, KENYA, who ate 140 men! wow.
Patrick partying-out in the museum
Justin, Anna and Patrick in front of the light-house on lake Michigan in Waukegan
Patrick is SOOOO excited to be on the train!
Aeneas all bundled in the stroller
Patrick - master pianist. Wow, he REALLY loved to play on my keyboard. great little player and composer.
We had SO much fun with Justin, Anna and the boys on Thansgiving! What a blessing and a treat to have them come visit. I hope you enjoyed our several pictures and that you also had a blessed Thansgiving with family.
Duvick also thoroughly enjoyed opening Christmas ornament presents!
Thanks Mom, Dad, and Grandma Marsha!
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Well, Kevin, our friend and fellow missionary from Africa had a chance to return to the Limuru Children Centre as he was preparing a missions trip for the youth in his church, and his wife, Cori, sent me this current picture of Daniel.

Friday, November 16, 2007
The grind
A few weeks ago, the fire people were coming around through the neighborhood and "flushing" the fire-hydrants. This was shooting 3 times as far when i ran to grab the camera. This is also a picture of our front yard.
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Dirty Duvick
Wow, look at him book it toward the water to get that retrieve!
Super boy!!! and he is not carrying a roll of toilet paper.
um, there was a puddle of leaves here in the calm of the river and Duvick through it was land - he jumped right in and was covered in whatever it was that was floating on the water - gross!
Walking beside the river...
Rock Climbing in the autumn of Illinois!! (finally)
When i got home from Minneapolis last night, i drove home in the dark to a newly discovered radio station that only plays Christmas music! And when i woke this morning, i was overjoyed to see that the leaves outside of my house are in their autumn hue! yay! very beautiful. Even my mums are in full bloom one last time before our first great freeze.
This is the closest thing Landon has found to climbing since we arrived in Illinois!
Friday, November 2, 2007
Fun with Duvi
One really cute thing about Duvick is that he loves to see his reflection. Ever since he was a little puppy, Landon would carry him to the mirror and Duvick barks at himself and at Landon. We also have full length mirrors in the house and he perplexes himself when he can see us in the mirror and then turn around and we are behind him! He loves it! Well, anyways, right after he was done blowing bubbles, i caught him barking at our pot-rack. He caught his reflection in the hanging pan and was frantically barking! (see his reflection in the picture above)
He became easily unamused at himself in the pots when he noticed a little Halloween toy on the fridge that we've let him play with a few times. It's this little creature that has 2 eyes and lights up inside when it is violently smacked against something - we gave it to duvick in the dark a few nights ago to see how he would react... he was terrified, but now, he begs for it because he thinks it is so fun. It's made from a very elastically plastic, so when he holds it in his mouth, it extends and retracts, extends and retracts, kind of like a slinky. So he's standing there with it in his mouth, bouncing up and down, and he is just so adorable! I even called Landon to tell him of the cuteness that our doggy has been capable of tonight.