Thursday, July 28, 2011

I'm sure you've seen this. I saw it recently via the blog world and I thought it was awesome. It made me feel good about taking the little blogging break that I did. I love to blog. Simply because I love you and I want you to KNOW and feel that although we left you so very long ago, we still want you to be in our lives. Or, I guess, we still want to be in yours.

That's why i blog. My first blog, i began when I left CO 10 years ago for college in California. Then, for my friends in CA that I left behind, I blogged when I returned to CO. Then... well, you've maybe been following since we lived in Kenya, then CO, then Illinois, and now we are beginning our 3rd year in Utah. So, you see, we do a lot of leaving which translates to the never-ending blog.  Neither of us have lived in our home towns since we graduated high school and Landon has been especially far away from GA loved ones (which are now my loved ones just as much!).

So I do feel obligated to blog. But I also LOVE it because I so dearly love you and feel like this ties us somehow...

But sometimes.... I find myself enjoying something and needing to document it with detailed step-by-step pictures for the blog. Or, I  am in an amazing moment and without noticing, I realize I am drafting a post here on the blogosphere. How dumb. Life is not for sharing online to those you love and miss. Life is to live and love and enjoy and learn.  And i honestly sort of lneeded a few months of keeping every little thing to myself - everything non-consequential and everything brilliant. My thoughts were only for me and my life was something that I reserved for my husband and I.

And I missed you. Honestly, I did. But it was also good for me to just go out and live a bit (or a lot - we've been having a heck of a good time!) without writing it down.

I love you though (have I made that clear?), dear family and friends that we never see... We both love you.


  1. Hannah, this is so funny! I was going to post the same commercial on my blog! ("That's too small to be a real puppy" = hillarious!) I think it's so true that we need to spend more time living our lives and less time micro-broadcasting every detail (significant or insignificant) to the world. Somethings in life are sacred and should be reserved for a less-public audience (or just for yourself). For me, blogging is the best/easiest way to maintain a photo journal with notes -- so it feels like it's more for me than anyone else. However, it is really interesting when strangers in other countries find my blog and click through it. I can only imagine what they think! Hope you're doing well and I'm glad to see you blogging again :-)


Thanks for your thoughts!!! I promise i read every one of them! - Hannah