Monday, April 11, 2011


Yesterday I found a gray hair.

Both Duvick and Dooney have gray hairs - maybe it's contagious?

Probably not.

The wrinkles that develop on my face while I'm skiing - a product of smooshy goggles and smiling cheeks - stay for the rest of the day. Where has my skin's elasticity run off to? I think it jumped ship in my mid 20's

I fear aging.  And I'm not sure why; the women that I know that are older than me are amazing and beautiful and wonderful - and that might be part of the reason why.... I'm afraid that I'm not who I should  be by now. Heck, I am right where I was when I was 20, except a little more in debt, a little wrinklier, less introspective, more cynical and a no clue about where my life is headed. Not sure why 8 more years doesn't bring me more wisdom, more direction, more certainty, but it hasn't. I think that's why getting older is scary for me.

And time passes quickly. Very quickly. The deeper I drift into life, the faster the pace picks up and I'm just spinning through the days one right after the other...

Yeah, I don't really feel like swirling through time. This day is just fine. If I could just stay in this day for a few days - figure some things out before time is wasted on things that don't matter. Hm.. Seems like I have quite a task ahead of me if I want to be a better self before I'm 30...


  1. i totally feel like this sometimes... thanks for putting it into words. :)

  2. I have felt like that too. And don't worry, I have tons of gray and have resigned to dying it at this young age :)

  3. Hannah, you are a young and beautiful woman. Who cares if your in debt? You have touched so many people with your kind heart and sweet personality. You truly love Christ, and i truly love you.

  4. Yes Hannah! Your beautiful. And again is just another part of life. it shouldnt scare you, just sill enjoy your life :)


Thanks for your thoughts!!! I promise i read every one of them! - Hannah