Sunday, March 27, 2011

Goggle goons

Dooney and I intercepted a little bit of sun today on the slopes.

He insists that my burn is worse than his and wanted me to post it on the good 'ol blog for votes. After he, himself, saw these two pictures together he surrendered to admit that his, in fact, is much worse than mine. Blue bird powder days are the best days - so grateful for such a beautiful day! Usually we put on sunscreen when we are expecting sun, but today it surprised us. 


  1. That is really funny... Doons is worse, easy. we just got some burns, too, after only like an hour out. Too bad that isn't only on the face though... the downside of it not snowing here.

  2. i vote that landon's looks worse...and please tell him that he REALLY needs a shave and a haircut!!

  3. Mine is worse in this set of photos, yes, but that was yesterday. Apparently my body was quick to react while hannah's body worked the night shift.

  4. no one believes you Utah/doons

  5. i have no idea who's is worse, actually!

  6. Landon you look worse! haha i still love you both


Thanks for your thoughts!!! I promise i read every one of them! - Hannah