Saturday, March 19, 2011

Finding the Sweet Life

I've touched a bit on my thoughts about being back to working at a "normal" job. I LOVE working at Tracy Aviary, I think that's pretty apparent. I love my job there and I am very grateful for it.

McBrayer powder boards

Although, working 8 hours 5 days a week during all the daylight the day has to offer is conflicting in me. Whenever I mention this to family members they say something like, "welcome to the real world", or something along those lines. And I just pity them all in thinking that every life is lived a certain way when it is lived in a "responsible" "adult" fashion. Working a job that sucks the daylight out of 5 of 7 days is my choice - and it is also theirs.

So I don't complain about having to work 5 days of the week, I'm just evaluating this lifestyle and deciding if it is for me. Although my work, I believe, is valuable to society and is valuable to me, it is not as valuable to me as other things in my life. And so I have a difficult time justifying sacrificing time with the things that are of the highest priority for that which is also valuable, but lesser so. But the irony is that those things might be difficult to maintain without the support of a "regular" job. Like, I would love to ski every day, but I can't support a ski habit without an income (and some health insurance just to be safe!). I'm not considering leaving my job (does it sound that way?) because I LOVE it and I NEED it. I'm just trying to figure out how to make it work...

This week, I put in 40 hours in only 4 days instead of 5. It wasn't the best week to start because of day-light-savings and some evening work-related activities. Just as it took my body a little bit of time to get used to working 5 days 9-5, it will take a little bit of time to adjust to this schedule. I am just SO GRATEFUL that I have the opportunity to choose this kind of schedule. My boss and my employer are wonderful. 

So one extra ENTIRE day to spend with my student-husband, puppy dog, and Rocky Mountains. Mmmm, the sweet things in life...


  1. Hey, who says you have to be "normal"?

  2. Appreciate this post so much! Although in general money is helpful to do the things we love, so many opportunities out there that aren't

  3. Ah, so you have discovered the flexibility vs security conundrum. It will be this way your entire life. Do you choose the security of a 9-5 job (and its guaranteed income); or the flexibility of a less secure, contract type of position. It is good to experiment with this decision now, because if/when you have children, you will have effectively already made the decision.


Thanks for your thoughts!!! I promise i read every one of them! - Hannah