Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Wow. I'm sorry.

I will be a crappy blogger for awhile, I have a feeling.

These 8 hour work days at the Aviary have me coming home a little tired. I haven't turned on my sewing machine since before Christmas. Landon's been doing the cooking. I'm only skiing on the weekends, if other things are done. So.... I'm not sure what to blog about. I try to leave for work as early in the morning as I can so that I can leave before it gets dark. So I'll be blogging in the evenings now instead of the mornings.

I will get the hang of this. I'm just trying to figure out what my life is going to be like now that I don't have 5 hour work days at home to spread across an 16 hour period. 8 hour work days at a desk far away to spread out in an 8 hour period makes for a pretty different lifestyle. Which, of course, you all know about. But this is a refresher for me - it's been awhile since I've done the 9-5.

I am SOOOO grateful to be working full time and I really enjoy my job. I'm just not gonna be as good at blogging, I can foresee. I am sorry. I'll figure it out. Just give me a little grace this month while I put it together.

But I promise, my blog won't suck forever.

It'll be great again some day.


  1. Seriously, i love you and your blog. It is WAYYYY better than mine haha. I'm quite jealous of it! Want to trade? LOL

  2. i'll love anything you post!! i'm thrilled you have started your job and am confident you'll adjust to this newest phase...love you!


Thanks for your thoughts!!! I promise i read every one of them! - Hannah