Tuesday, January 25, 2011

High School Reunion

Hm.... Early registration for my 10 year high school reunion expires on Wednesday. I haven't decided what to do yet. I really want to see everyone. But i'm not sure what to expect. I don't want to shell out a lot of money to not only fly to CO, but pay to go to the reunion itself. Now that we have facebook, I actually feel like I am connected to anyone that I would want to see anyway.

So I was wondering what you think.
Did you go to your 10 year reunion?
How was it?

Any former Rebels planning on making it to ours this year?


  1. I wonder how many people are planning on going. I don't think it's worth it for me. I honestly don't remember a ton of people from high school.

  2. I thought the prom queen travels for free, as her attendance is probably mandatory, or am I just hoping to get a visit. ha ha


  3. I would go, but i haven't even graduated middle school yet, so....

  4. i went to mine and i was really glad i did. even though i was friends with people on facebook, i didn't really know what they were doing or who they had become. it was really fun to catch up, even with people I hadn't been really close to. but we didn't have a great turnout and i would have been disappointed if it had cost me to travel there. stu's was this year and we said exactly the same thing about it, so i wonder if its a trend.

  5. i went to mine and am glad i did. brent and i went with a few of my good friends, so if nothing else, it would have been fun just to spend the evening with them. but we ended up enjoying all of it and seeing faces i hadn't seen in years.

  6. I wasn't even invited to mine if you can even imagine that? I only heard though the grapevine that we were having one!

  7. well i got my invite but josh still hasn't got his. he is a little hurt! ha He's not real excited to go, but if you go I will be there, how's that! at least to the cheap stuff, it think there is a picnic or something. I have yet to check it out!

  8. You should for sure come out! I am not sure if I am going or not but we could at the very least act like the good ol days and pretend we are ditching class and go to your parents and hot tub! we would do lots of reminiscing it would be a blast! Let me know what you decide!


Thanks for your thoughts!!! I promise i read every one of them! - Hannah