Wednesday, October 27, 2010

I just snapped this photo of Duvick in our backyard. 
First morning of SNOW in the valley this year!
And 16 inches on the mountain. 
Ski season couldn't come soon enough! 
T minus 24 days!

1 comment:

  1. i've always wanted to go on the adventures you are taking in your life,....camping, skiing, mountain climbing, the utah/colorado lifestyle, etc. oh and starbucks every day....yummm! oh and i had a pumpkin latte that tasted like yours. i think they made it international (; Duvick is loving it too, huh? Maggie (our dog, turned 1 yesterday) goes crazy when it snows here. I had TONS of fun last year when it snowed. Sadly is is still like 72 degrees here. Bummer. Well, MISS YOU. Love ya and enjoy your snow! How is it still sunny there? :/


Thanks for your thoughts!!! I promise i read every one of them! - Hannah