Tuesday, July 20, 2010

The Littlest Birds Sing the Prettiest Songs

One of the challenges of moving into a new house is making things from the previous house work in the new house - with weird shaped rooms, painted walls, less sq.ft., etc...

Our bathroom is the smallest room in the house, so I tackled it first. It's been a little bit of a challenge because it has an old-fashioned iron tub with a circular curtain. It actually took me 3 plastic curtains to enclose the tub and I was bound and determined to use my previous cloth curtain, even though Landon was pretty sure we didn't even need it (wah!?). I love this curtain. Mom found it for me at a garage sale in 2002 and it's just perfect for my taste.

At that same garage sale, we got some towels that are now very old (considered they were purchased used eight years ago). And then we have the wonderful towels that we registered for in 2004. So we decided to replace the old old ones with some tan towels. Boring, I know, but I thought that we would just have a very neutral palate in the throne room - the king could care less anyway.

But I felt like with the blueish-gray walls and my tan motif, something was needed to tie everything together.

So last night while Landon was out climbing with a guy he met Saturday night at church (hooray),  I sat down and tried to tie it all together with birds. 

Birds. Silly, I know.

So I painted a little birdy picture for the bathroom that uses the tan color of my linens and the white, which is the accent color in the bathroom.

And then I made three papier mache birdies (maybe more later). I put the finishing touches on them this morning and Landon has yet to wake and see them, so I'm not sure if they are staying (and I can't figure out how to secure them anywhere!). But he loves the painting, which made me feel awesome.

It's definitely not Pottery Barn or HGTV, but I like it. It makes me feel good to make my living spaces more personalized and make this new little bungalow more of a home for us. And I did this all for a final price of $0. Nada! I had the canvas and paints already, and the papier mache was super cheap because I just made the bodies out of a hollowed-out egg and tinfoil, cardboard from a 6-pack of beer, and a newspaper that appeared on my front porch a few days ago. Easy.

The king wasn't so fond of paper birdies around the throne. 
Bye Bye Birdies.


  1. Great job on the painting! . . . I noticed you changed the gravity song on your playlist to a different version. It's AWESOME!


Thanks for your thoughts!!! I promise i read every one of them! - Hannah