Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Another ski weekend

We have been so blessed lately to have family here to visit. Pooks came President's Day weekend and then my dad came this last weekend for a ski trip. Unfortunately we didn't get any fresh snow for his trip, but the snow still wasn't bad at all.

Landon's learning to use his helmet cam ever better, so I'll post some videos of dad's ski trip to Utah:

This is my dad. He's amazing.

This is me. I'm still learning.

It's wonderful to have family here to visit and to ski.

This is an open invite to anyone else that would like to come out here for a ski trip! We are 30 mins from the nearest ski resort and lift tickets are $57.00/day. Pretty cheap. I'll cook for you and you can stay at our place. All you need to buy are the lift tickets and your plane ticket. That's a sweet deal for a one-time chance to experience "the greatest snow on earth". Get your booties out here!

1 comment:

Thanks for your thoughts!!! I promise i read every one of them! - Hannah