Tuesday, February 2, 2010

"Angel's" Food Cupcakes

I have had cupcakes on the mind a bit these last few years. You've followed my journey as I've looked for local cupcake shops in my town(s). I love the gourmet, decadent, creative wonder that are cupcakes. And not only have i been in search of amazing cupcakes in my area, but  I've been wondering at the idea of seeking out a little guidance to create my own cupcakes.

And so Mom and Dad got me this book for Christmas.

Kevin and Cori got us an amazing Calphalone cupcake pan for our wedding ever so long ago, so I was set.

Anna, my sister-in-law (that i too often mention) told me that Martha Stewart recipes are wonderful and sometimes a little too much work. I've never really done anything Martha because she is the queen of creating and quite frankly, intimidates me like crazy. 

So this was my first time with Martha.

I searched and skimmed through my beautiful book and found what I thought to be the easiest looking recipe: Devil's Food Cupcakes with Chocolate Ganache Frosting and Chocolate Curls. (which Landon has so endearingly changed to "Angel's" Food Cupcakes in honor of his mother who calls Deviled Eggs "Angeled Eggs - we don't want to give the Devil any credit!" Love her.)

I went to work, already having most of the ingredients, and it took me forever to put these together. Who ever knew that a simple cake badder could involve so much? In this case, I was very very grateful for my KitchenAid which made the tedious mixing so much easier. 

And then the ganache, once conceived had to be put in the refrigerator and taken out and stirred every 5 minutes. sheesh. I guess if I'm doing things Martha's way, i should expect a two hour cupcake making process. But, it was fun. It was fun! And we've been enjoying these cupcakes [at least] once a day ever since. And the recipe says that they can be frozen for 2 months, so if you show up in the next 2 months, i may just be able to give you a taste of this deliciousness!!
I've been wanting a cake stand for awhile now, for little things like this. But i saw something online where a lady screwed a plate into a candle stick holder. I just balanced one of our nice dishes on top of a candle holder that I wasn't using...that's good enough for me for now! 


  1. looks good! have you ever read bakerella.com? her blog is so cute and she does tons of cute cupcakes. I want a cake stand too! I want one of the ones that have the glass cover so you can cover your goodies! Plus I think they look so elegant. Good idea with the candle holder!


Thanks for your thoughts!!! I promise i read every one of them! - Hannah