Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Project 7

So I know that we like to support non-profits.

We support organizations that do things that we like.
Like sponsoring a child.
Like supporting clean water in Africa.
Like giving to sick children.
Like building homes for people who have lost theirs.
Like finding cure.
Like sending Bibles to closed countries.

Well, for maybe the first time, we can give to one of those organizations that we like without having to give any money at all, just about 5 minutes.

Check this out:

Project 7: Giveaway from Project 7 on Vimeo.

More info on Project 7 from their website:
Project 7 is a company that is passionate about social change. For every purchase of a Project 7 product, the company donates 50 percent of its profits to seven areas of critical need in the world – Build the Future, Feed the Hungry, Heal the Sick, Help Those in Need, Hope for Peace, House the Homeless, and Save the Earth. Non-profit organizations supporting any of these seven areas of need can submit applications to Project 7. Seven of these organizations, one from each area of need, will be voted on a by consumers and supported by product proceeds for the upcoming year. Currently, Project 7 manufactures bio-bottled water, gum, mints and T-shirts.
 Look for their products at your local store:



  1. about to vote! that is an awesome cause. i really want them to help haiti because of the earthquake they had. an earthquake struck again this morning. 6.1 on the ricthor scale. sucks.

  2. yikes! i had no clue there was another earthquake. gosh, that country is suffering! well, there are many causes that are helping haiti right now, so hopefully you can vote for them!


Thanks for your thoughts!!! I promise i read every one of them! - Hannah