Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Happy Birthday Landon

Today Landon is 28 years old. It's amazing for me to see him in his later-20's, considering I met him when he was only 20 years old. And not much has changed, in his daily life, really, in these last 8 years. Besides the fact that he's taking care of a wife and the world's bestest dog. He has developed some crow's feet around his eyes, more hairs on his chest, and gray hairs on his temples (which are super hot, his wife thinks!). He's gathered years of wisdom and knowledge and has grown in compassion and strength. But otherwise, he's the same bloke who stole my heart long before he had ever realized it so many years ago. It's pretty awesome to see him age and grow and bring in another year of life - it's pretty awesome to know that he's chosen me to experience all these future years with him.

Yeah, I'm a lucky girl.


  1. These McBrayer guys are sure lucky they scored women that think gray hair is hot! Ditto!

  2. Haha. Yeah......... you're a lucky woman, maybe! Haha. Just kidding, Landon is awesome! Happy B-day Landon!

  3. Love the shirt! Happy Bithday Landon!


Thanks for your thoughts!!! I promise i read every one of them! - Hannah