Monday, November 30, 2009

Wow, I have been so incredibly busy since my last blog post - in a good way.

(photo by gardawin)

Last weekend flew to Washington, DC for an ACSI convention. Since I fly out of Salt Lake City these days instead of Chicago or Denver (like the past 3 years) I can NOT find a direct flight to anywhere. So, i had a layover in Denver. In fact, i extended my layover and got to spend 2 days in Littleton with my mother and my sister. It was wonderful.

DC was great. Gosh, i'm a little discouraged because I have had a really hard time at conventions this year. Not many responses, not nearly as many as we usually receive or that we desperately need. DC was a fun town. I got to take the Metro, which was a fun experience, navigating the underground of our nation's capitol. I was surprised to find it a bit fun and exciting! While i was there, i got to have dinner with a great friend and her husband!! It was amazing to see my sweet Maryn, and see her with her hubby as newly weds! Definitely the highlight of my trip out there!

I got home around midnight on Tuesday night. Justin, Anna, and the boys got to SLC for Thanksgiving around 2:30 Wednesday afternoon. We had so much fun with them!

Our Thanksgiving spread was amazing. It was the first time i have actually hosted, planned, and cooked Thanksgiving dinner. Anna and I spent most of Thursday in the kitchen and it was fun to hang out together and cook with our boys in mind and gratitude in our hearts. Wonderful!

Friday we went SKIING!!! My first trip downhill skiing in15 years, actually. And it was fun! Landon and I took Diddles up and down the bunny slope and I was amazed at his ability. He just turned 5 2 weeks ago!

I was sad to see everyone leave yesterday morning. I spent the afternoon putting up Christmas decorations in our house and lights outside.  Last night as we were driving home from Redbox, I was admiring all the Christmas lights on the houses in the neighborhood. I was excitedly anticipating my masterpiece, and as we drove into our driveway, i was so embarrassed i almost started to cry! I have the most pathetic display of Christmas lights in the entire neighborhood. I will share pictures some day.

I am relieved that I am not traveling for ACSI again until February. So, friends, I will be here more regularly. Thanks for continuing to read even though I have been on hiatus without warning off and on this fall. You are great!


Thanks for your thoughts!!! I promise i read every one of them! - Hannah