Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Style - for lack of a better term

I was thinking about style the other day. What's my style? Eclectic? I don't really care all that much. Most of my clothes are still from high school  - when Mom bought me enough clothes to last at least 10 years. Well, it's been about 8. So I guess my style is probably more late 90's. Probably mostly just casual. More work-from-home convenient. But i was thinking to myself, if i could pull off ANY style that i wanted, what would i do? I had a little fun thinking through this and browsing google images.

So these are accessories that I know wouldn't really fit with my own personal style (or especially, my budget), but for some reason, I wish they would. These are styles that  I know i can't really pull off, but wish i could:

anthropologie's scarf

 (photo by firenzerasta)

(photo and cuff by loveatfirstblush)
Leather cuffs

(necklace and photo by missrubysue)
Bib Necklace

(crown and photo by whichgoose)

That's about all i could think of for now. Cute ideas, huh?

for now, i'll just remain a fleece and jeans (and fanny pack?) kind of girl


  1. Granola/casual/outdoorsy...I think that is your style!

  2. Please don't try to attempt putting all of those together at one time. Something might catch fire. I'm one to talk. I actually walked out the door this morning to my husband saying "Well, that's an interesting look." You would have had to see it so I won't try to explain but it was so bad (he was right), I came back and changed twice not really fixing the problem but coming to the conclusion that buying clothes from Thrift makes you look like...well...you just might have ran through someone else's house in a frenzied rush grabbing whatever you could get your hands on while heading out the back door to get away.

  3. ha! anna, that's funny. Sunday before we left for church, i was starting to walk out of the house and Landon said, "um... no." I don't remember exactly what i was wearing but i guess it wasn't great. aren't WE supposed the be the ones to tell THEM that they're not jiving? Landon always looks great, i think. Sometimes i have to persuade him to actually WASH his clothes, but outside of wearing dirty stuff, he has a pretty good idea about fashion (at least i think so)

  4. Hannah, it is Brooke. I started this blog for my class. You can pull of any style you want to! You are gorgeous. When I saw those pics I imagined you in each outfit/accesorie and you looked great!

  5. This is Kara (Crystal McBrayer's best friend) - I JUST wrote a post on style on my blog.

    I love reading your blog because its always so encouraging.I hope that's ok.

  6. I really like the photo of the scarf. It might not feel as good as it looks. Sometimes I buy stuff like that and it is larger and bulkier than expected and ends up wearing me, instead of me wearing it. Does that make sense.

  7. i don't know about a bib necklace, buy you could definitely use a bib.

  8. Yeah, well how hard can it be for Landon, really?!? Khakis and a button up shirt. You CAN'T mess that us so it's just not the same to say he has style and you don't. It's much harder for us ladies, dang it.

  9. Hannah, I just love your blog. I read it everyday during my lunch hour. You are so funny and have just wonderful tips and thoughts.

    I would stay away from the dreads. I think shinny and clean hair is better for the enviroment.

    All of the other items were pretty neat.

    D - Anna's Mom

  10. thanks for the comments everyone!!!! I am so grateful for your sweet friendships and committed reading! you are awesome!

  11. dreads and the crown hannah. thumbs up ;)


Thanks for your thoughts!!! I promise i read every one of them! - Hannah