Sunday, October 11, 2009

hiking Kaysville

Landon's been itching to take me into the canyon at the top of our street. It was a beautiful hike. Always and entirely uphill. And the foliage was amazing. Maples. Scrub oak. Stream. Solitude. It was great.
a view of our town from the canyon

Landon and Duvick with the trees on the trail

beautifully clear water in the stream

stream dividing the forest: evergreens on the south side, maples on the north

Landon can't get out without climbing some rocks

Doons on the trail. Sunshine on the leaves.

I like this one.

Me with my friends: the trees

1 comment:

  1. What beautiful pictures! I miss fall foliage here! I love the last picture of you in the trees..its like your blogger profile picture of you in the berries :)


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