Tuesday, September 22, 2009

took the plunge


thanks to Anna and Sara, I'm beginning my two week trial today. I had so much fun looking through the huge selection of movies last night. I think we have about 20 on our list. And i was even more thrilled when i discovered that i didn't have to wait for the mail AT ALL for a few of the selections - they were available to watch immediately on my PC. Awesome. So we watched the first 30 minutes of this amazing documentary, Born into Brothels. If you haven't yet seen it, see it.

p.s. happy fall!

for those of you in GA, keep dry! be safe!

for those of you in CO, enjoy the snow!

those of us here in Utah are enjoying the chilly morning and the sunshine!


  1. oh yay! we love netflix. and born into brothels is amazing!

  2. we just took the plunge for our 2 week free trial of blockbuster! and we're loving it too : )


Thanks for your thoughts!!! I promise i read every one of them! - Hannah