Thursday, September 17, 2009

Things i'm loving lately:

Hemingway. Landon's been reading me Hemingway periodically when he "tucks me in" at night. I love it when Landon reads to me - he has such a sexy voice!

Duvick. He's almost 2 1/2 now and he remains very sweet and still so much like a puppy with his energy and playfulness. he's adorable and so much fun!

Local beer. This is "The Party Pack"

Red Box.

Beth Moore Bible studies. This is the one i'm doing right now in the mornings before i work. Just sitting down with Beth Moore, my Bible, Duvick, and a warm cup of black coffee. I love getting out of bed!

I've been enjoying one of Amanda Soule's favorite summer snacks with yummy produce from my farmers market: Cucumbers and Tomatoes with a little vinegar and sea salt. cheaper than avocados - so they have become my typical lunch around here these last few weeks. (amanda's picture also)

These have been on sale lately at Albertsons. Lucky us. Yum.

This is most exciting of all!!! Our first washer and dryer: Whirlpool Duet's. We love these babies. They're stackable (because who the heck knows where we'll be living next year!?) and they're high efficiency, which is great! love these!

DISHWASHER!!!! whoohoo! you KNOW that this is amazing.

Working with ACSI Student Sponsorship full time. Since i'm only working one job (THIS JOB) right now, i'm actually enjoying it so much more! It's amazing when I can put in 8 hour days and feel like i'm getting stuff done and I'm not completely exhausted and dragging after lunch time. I just enjoy it so much more when it's my only job. It's a precious job and a wonderful ministry and i am so grateful to get to be a part of it!


  1. I love dishwashers too. I can't really remember life for 4 years without it, how easily we become spoiled. And love redbox, although we were renting 4+ movies a month, so just took the plunge to trying netflicks for a few bucks more. Glad you are loving life in Utah. I jealously look at your pictures of climbing and the mountains....someday we'll see the light ;)

  2. fun update! I am so glad you are loving your job. :) I think sometimes it's easy to get bored with it when working from home.

  3. hannah... i love tomato and cucumber salads! especially if you sprinkle some feta cheese on them : ) it's called shopska salata in serbian, their native salad!! yummy : )


Thanks for your thoughts!!! I promise i read every one of them! - Hannah