Thursday, April 30, 2009

"Rain, rain go away
come again some other day
if you don't, i don't care,
i'll pull down your...

i've been humming this little ditty from my childhood in my head today - as we have had day after day after day of rain here in the soggy mid-west. and it just dawned on me that the words as i remember them make no sense at all. please, someone, how does this little rainy-day chant actually go?


  1. i always thought it was

    "rain, rain go away,
    come again some other day.
    little children want to play.
    rain, rain go away."

    then of course

    "if you don't, i don't care.
    i'll pull down your underwear."

    but that's probably just the GA version. who knows!

  2. ooooohhhhhh i found you a treat :)

  3. Lindsay, that link is AWESOME!


Thanks for your thoughts!!! I promise i read every one of them! - Hannah