Tuesday, April 7, 2009

where are you taking us?

so..... one of those contingencies i referred to a few weeks ago that would surely secure that we are positively going to Utah next year was not met.

and so....

we're thinking of other options. and we are thinking of going anyway - without funding. and we know that many people are in debt and we can jump on the band wagon for the sake of higher education and really, the pursuit of our dreams.

please just be praying for us, that God would lead us. There are some things to seriously consider that have been hard to seriously consider: no funding = no money/insurance = i need 2 jobs = renting/no kids still/crabby wife/stress. BUT I think i've learned from these past 2 years enough to enter into the next 2 (or 4 or 5) years with more reasonable expectations and a better way to approach life like it is now, but in a new place with new opportunities. AND, i will be nearer those i love and finally and once again beneath the mountains. oh, i could live a little freer there. a little more wild. a little more like myself. even if it be the same life.

so...that's the update. that's what is consuming much of our thoughts and prayers right now. i hope you will see us in utah in the future. we're still hammering this out.


  1. thinking and praying for you guys. On a side note glad landon agreed to do this picture.

  2. Visualize, meditate, and follow your dreams and heart. This one is gonna be quite amazing. I'm excited to see how it all works out :-)

  3. Good luck, we will pray for you guys and the decisions you need to make.

  4. thanks for your prayers and great encouragement, ladies. it's really meaningful to me.

  5. agh, hannah... that is so frustrating!

    maybe you could find one sweet job, instead of 2... or you could live in a tent... or yurt...

    suck. let me know the updates. we should skype sometime soon. i miss you.


Thanks for your thoughts!!! I promise i read every one of them! - Hannah