Thursday, November 20, 2008

simple joys of the day

bringing the outside in!

experiencing our first bit of snow

relishing in the long-lingering spices and bold complexities of Starbuck's Christmas Blend.

wrapping Christmas presents (and having a huge chunk of my shopping done!)

reading Francine Rivers' Lineage of Grace series

making Raspberry Pinwheel cookies (recipe here)

wearing this sweater

bath and body works wall scents' new fall flavor: leaves

p.s. thanks for all of your creative ideas - the corn meal container is in the recycle bin (that was landon's creative idea).


  1. Hannah- your blog is so cute and you are such a great writer! I love Bath and Body works wall flowers- we have the leaves kind too- but I think the Sweet Cinnamon pumpkin scent lasts better... kind of random. And way to go on your Christmas presents!

  2. I am impressed. I can't believe you are so ahead. I have really fallen behind this year. We too have been know to have all if not most of our shopping done by Thanksgiving.

    I have been recycling our tp rolls but each time I look at them and think there has got to be something useful I can use this for outside of gluing two together for binoculars. Thanks for the idea. I have a bunch of cords that need taming!

    And I too made a nature arrangement in the spirit of the season along with an crab-apple and berry garland for the back porch. I'll have to send you a picture of it. Be careful with those cattails though. We spent a whole afternoon releasing the seeds from those things and they multiply by 5000 once they get started. It was mesmerizing and magical for some reason. I had to tear us all away from the activity before the hauled us away for what looked like destroying the landscaping.


Thanks for your thoughts!!! I promise i read every one of them! - Hannah