Monday, October 6, 2008

welcome to the world little girls!

By the way, i'm celebrating new babies with friends despite the huge distance between me and Colorado. Carrie, a friend and mentor of mine just had her second child, Hailey Elizabeth Knoles four days ago!! What a joy she is - and looks so much like her ADORABLE big sister, Brooke! Yay!!

Two weeks ago one of my best friends, Nicole gave birth to her first child, a baby girl, Harper Grace Dow! That birth was very difficult for both Harper and Nicole and i am so grateful that they are home and healthy now. What a joy it is to see friends whom i've grown up with (remembering Nicole's mullet and Denae's umbro's as i type this) grow into beautiful mothers.

Wow, what a joy it must be to be a mother of such precious children, fathered by the men they love more than the world - i love seeing you ladies with your babies and your families - it is such a joy for me to celebrate with you!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hannah, it was so sweet of you to post this on your blog!! Hope you are doing well and continuing to heal quickly. :)


Thanks for your thoughts!!! I promise i read every one of them! - Hannah