Tuesday, May 6, 2008

hum dee dum

When i was in guatemala last fall i bargained (en espanol) for a really awesome hanging chair. we hung it outside on one of our silver maples. the weather has been absolutely perfect these last few days with blue skies and low humidity and warmness and i have loved sitting in that chair. i have been trying to figure out what i can do for ACSI that doesn't have to be on the computer (which is not much) so that i can enjoy the sunshine!

sunday i spent the whole day outside where i mowed the lawn, picked 2 grocery bags full of dandelions (and then another bag full yesterday!) and took duvi running and went out for icecream with dooney. it was great great great.

this is wonderful: duvi tore apart a pair of chaco's that i got for Christmas. I sent them back to chaco and they re-strapped them for me and i got them back in the mail today! so for those of you who haven't gotten the picture yet that chaco is amazing - THEY ARE!!!

so i've been working at starbucks a lot lately. well, actually no more than normal, but for some reason all my hours for last week were crammed together at the end of the week and all my hours for this week are crammed together at the beginning. so it just feels like i'm working a lot because i'm goin' on an average of 5 hours of sleep each night (not counting the glorious weekend) and am feeling a bit tired. but... horray! tomorrow is my last day at 'bucks until May 19th! So, i am not dispairing, but am so excited!

and Landon also is not sleeping much and is studying like a maniac. he's writing 2 papers in a short few days before we leave for preston's wedding on Thursday morning. we will both be driving to North Carolina thursday morning exhausted. oh well. it's amazing how much inspiration can drive you! we are so excited to have the family together (i will FINALLY be able to meet my nephew, griffin!) and we will go rock climbing in north carolina and georgia and alabama... and we will get some rest and relaxation at the family lodge after a long semester/YEAR. and most important thing: eating at chick-fil-a!! horray!

so. la dee da, hum dee dum. so...

1 comment:

  1. So are you making dandelion wine or just trying to get them out of your yard...because that is a lot of dandelions! Glad you got to enjoy the nice weather. Sunny and warm (but not humid) days always put me in the best moods. Have fun at the wedding and on your vacation!


Thanks for your thoughts!!! I promise i read every one of them! - Hannah