Wednesday, April 2, 2008

if you twist my arm...

Last week, my new friend from work came to me and said, "hey, i'm doing this triathlon in june, do you want to do it with me?"

I quickly, without any hesitation replied, "Nooooo!"

After which she just looked at me, and was not satisfied with my answer. welp. if you know much at all, you know i am a people pleaser and a push-over. and beyond that, am really inspired by others, especially when i lack my own self-discipline. so. there you have it. if i can come up with $70.00 and a bike on which to train, i guess i'm training for this thing. but, as far as triathlons go, this one is pretty easy, it's even called a "sprint". so.

oh! and it supports Ovarian Cancer Research. That is awesome.

1 comment:

Thanks for your thoughts!!! I promise i read every one of them! - Hannah