Sunday, September 9, 2007


Sunday is my favorite day of the week, for no righteous reason, but rather a selfish one. Sunday is the only day that Landon and i both request off of work. It is the only day of the week that we both have off of work, and i guard my Sundays with my husband. We slept through church - but we're honestly trying not to make a habit of it. We ate buttermilk pancakes for breakfast, with eggs over-easy, oj and starbucks anniversary blend coffee(yum!). Then we took Duvi to the beach and then to the park for some retrieves. When we went to the "beach" (shore of Lake Michigan), we hiked down a few trials that led to a more secluded beach. The wake there was too rough for Duvick to do water retrieves and for some reason dogs were allowed on this beach anyway, so after watching the water we drove to our favorite park where Duvick got to do some double-retrieves. He's getting so good! He's also getting really big - 35lbs, our vet told us Thursday when he got his rabies shot. He should be about 85, Landon says, so he's still a little smaller than half his grown-up size, but he's a big boy. He's growing sweeter as he gets older, though, and we love having him in our lives!

Well, we finished planting our invisible fence yesterday so Landon's getting the yard ready for some training.

Then we're planning on going to a biker-bar/restaurant called fatman's. it'll be fun to try a local place for dinner.

Starbuck's grand opening of our new store was fun. It's neat to get to know my partners and it's fun to be in a new store. i miss my old partners a bit, but am grateful for the opportunity i have to invest into a few of the women that i work with. To landon's excitement (and mine too, really) there is a Moe's opening right across from my new store (for those of you who are not from the Southeast, Moe's is much like Chipotle - but Landon will claim that it's much better - i don't agree, but that's between us....just know, it's exciting!).

Also, this week i will be working at Starbucks 4 days, all beginning at 4:30AM! This sounds awful, but i'm actually so grateful - it's been hard for me to balance both of my jobs, and i think that getting off in the early afternoon will enable me to spend more time on Sponsorship. Yay for 12-hour days that start at 4:30am! Just kidding. Well, actually, i'm not kidding, but i am grateful that i will be able to get more done - it's been pretty burdonsome lately to not get to spend as much time on sponsorship as i would like. Even if i'm putting in plenty evening hours, i can't connect with sponsors or headquarters after business hours, so it still leaves me with those things undone. Anyways, i'm hoping that my working 4 days beginning before sunrise will be good for me. I'll let you know next week. hey, if i'm getting up so early, at least i'm going somewhere with a bottomless supply of coffee!

Tomorrow night i have my second meeting of Trinity Wives Fellowship in Gurnee. It's a small group of women (10-12) who live in Gurnee and have husbands going to Trinity. I was so blessed by my 2 hours with them a few weeks ago, i am so excited to attend the meeting this week - maybe get to know some of the ladies better!


  1. For the record, i do not think that Moe's is superior to Chipotle.

  2. we are in the same boat for sundays. we love them and guard them from anyone else:)

  3. Just so you know you're not alone... Garrett and I both are up at 2:00am feeding Greenlee, yet no coffee until the 6am one.

    oh, and I like chipotle better.


Thanks for your thoughts!!! I promise i read every one of them! - Hannah